Trials of Heather

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I wish my Dr. appointment was sooner... This is so hard waiting for an answer... I still feel a little pregnant which makes this all harder... I have so much flying through my head right now... All the what ifs... What if I am never able to have a baby??? What if there is something majorly wrong with me?? What if... I am scared that I will have to have that D&C... and scared that it might impact my fertility in the future... Maybe I have read too much on the internet, but I have found that they are linking too many D&C's to miscarriage... I don't know if I should believe it or not, but it scares me...

On an emotional level I am having a very difficult time, crying a lot...and my husband thinks he is being supportive...but really he is just annoying me...and I am scared that it will effect our marriage... He doesn't understand that sometimes I just need to grieve for the loss... Sometime I worry and I don't see anything wrong with that... We fight now more than ever... He keeps telling me that I am grumpy... I am depressed about this whole thing... I have never had to deal with something so difficult in my life. I just wish he would be more supportive. He works so many nights that he doesn't really have to, and I wish he would stay home and stay by my side... I wonder, do you think I am driving him to stay at work??????

I went up to what would have been the nursery in our new house, and lost it last night... I had planned everything out in there in my head...It's so hard to think about what would have been...


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many men just don't know how to deal with it - you should really find someone there you can talk to.

And I don't believe D&C's cause miscarriage. I've gotten pregnant successfully three times after mine, and so have a couple of friends of mine (miscarried, D&C, then baby!)

Just let yourself grieve THIS loss, but don't compound it with future concerns that MAY NOT BE!


God bless,


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have had 2 miscarriages and D&C's and now have 2 healthy children...don't worry. I know that is hard to do. My doc even told me that the best time to try is right after the D&C because the uterus will be clear of any tissue or endo or anything else...its like a clean slate. Good luck to you.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Les said...

i am so sorry you are going through this. the guys, they just don't get it. try to hang in there and be easy on yourself. this is hard and it is ok to cry, scream or whatever you need to do to get through it.


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